How to extract two numbers from two strings and calculate the difference in Bash?

I have a text file which contains (among others) the following lines:


How can I

  • get the 2 lines from this text file (they will always contain }Einleitung resp. }Grundlagen} and
  • extract the 2 page numbers (in this case 27 and 35),
  • calculate the difference 35-27 = 8 and
  • save the difference (8) of the two numbers in a variable

Perhaps with a bash script in Mac OS X?

Solution 1:

I do not know if Mac OS X has awk. If it does, this should work:

This should work:

 } {
  if ($4=="Einleitung")
  if ($4=="Grundlagen")
 } END {
 }' textfile)

How it works:

  • FS="[{}]+" sets the field separator to any combination of curly brackets.
  • $4 refers to the third filed on the line (separated by curly brackets).
  • DIFFERENZ=$(...) evaluates the command ... and stores the ouput in DIFFERENZ.

Solution 2:


    FS="}{";           # split lines by '}{'
    e=0;               # set variable 'e' to 0
    g=0;               # set variable 'g' to 0

/Einleitung/ { e=$3; } # 'Einleitung' matches, extract the page
/Grundlagen/ { g=$3;}  # 'Grundlagen' matches, extract the page

    print g-e;         # print difference

you can call it via:

$> awk -f calc.awk < in.txt

it will print 8. you could store that number in a bash-variable like this:

$> nr=`awk -f calc.awk < in.txt` 

if you need it more tight you could also rewrite calc.awk to be not a separate file but a one-line:

$> nr=`awk 'BEGIN{FS="}{";g=0;e=0}/Einleitung/{e=$3;}/Grundlagen/{g=$3;}END{print g-e;}' < in.txt`

Solution 3:

Pure bash 4.x, and shows the differences for every chapter:

unset page_last title_last page_cur title_cur
while read -r line; do
    if [[ $line =~ $re ]]; then
        title_cur=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} page_cur=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
        echo "${diff} pages between \"${title_last}\" and \"${title_cur}\""
        title_last=$title_cur page_last=$page_cur
done < "$myfile"