How do I kill the first dragon encountered?

As part of the main storyline, I'm tasked with slaying a dragon outside of Whiterun. I follow Irileth and a bunch of other NPCs outside to confront the dragon, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to kill him.

What's the trick?

Solution 1:

It sounds like you're asking about the first dragon you fight, outside of Whiterun, as part of the quest Dragon Rising: you follow Irileth outside Whiterun and upon completing the quest:

The Jarl makes you Thane.

If so, it's supposed to be an introductory dragonslaying encounter: if you followed Irileth around town before heading to the watchtower, you should have a fairly decent posse of guards to help you out.

To be honest, I was still learning how to use the controls on the PlayStation 3 version of the game at this point, and I essentially ran around the watchtower like a chicken with its head cut off. The guards and Irileth will do most of the work. I was a Conjuror build, so I summoned a Flame Atronach for good measure.

After a few minutes, the dragon will die pretty easily, whether you made a significant contribution to the fight or not.

Solution 2:

The basic way to kill dragon is :

  • Attack from the ground with spells and/or bows
  • When the dragon is grounded, use whatever you want and try to keep it grounded with the shouts you already know
  • When Dragon HPs runs out, dragon dies.

Solution 3:

Theres a small pillar at the foot of the steps, i used a bow to take shots at it while using the pillar to stay out of the dragons line of fire.

Solution 4:

When he is airborne shoot with a bow. When on land attack with with a one-handed weapon in one hand and a healing spell in the other.