What does "resonantly" mean? [closed]

Solution 1:

Resonate's third sense, according to Merriam-Webster, is

to relate harmoniously : strike a chord. "A message that resonates with voters"

It seems the author has turned resonate into its adjectival form resonant, then made that the adverb resonantly. Interestingly, Merriam-Webster does not have a definition for resonant that means "relating harmoniously, striking a chord with."

So, the meaning of the entire sentence would be something along the lines of "Compared to other benefits, the fact that exercise augments adult neurogenesis will be very meaningful/important to the reader."

Solution 2:

Most resonantly in the sense that exercise causes the creation of new brain cells in an already mature brain resonates with the topic which type of Exercise Is Best for the Brain. When you pump your feet on a playground swing in resonance with the swing's back and forth motion the pumping action amplifies the motion of the swing and you swing higher and higher. Exercise is a cyclic activity so plus 10 style points for introducing the image of repeated exercise generating new brain cells in a manner similar to pumping a swing to make the swing go higher. :-)