How do I download code using SVN/Tortoise from Google Code?

After you install Tortoise (separate SVN client not required), create a new empty folder for the project somewhere and right click it in Windows. There should be an option for SVN Checkout. Choosing that option will open a dialog box. Paste the URL you posted above in the first textbox of that dialog box and click "OK".

Create a folder where you want to keep the code, and right click on it. Choose SVN Checkout... and type into the URL of repository field.

You can also run

svn checkout

from the command line in the folder you want to keep it (svn.exe has to be in your path, of course).

See my answer to a very similar question here: How to download/checkout a project from Google Code in Windows?

In brief: If you don't want to install anything but do want to download an SVN or GIT repository, then you can use this:

Select Tortoise SVN - > Settings - > NetWork

Fill the required proxy if any and then check.