What is the difference between motivation and inspiration? [closed]

Solution 1:

If something motivates you the result is that it leads to a difference in terms of your actions / behaviour.

Martin Luther motivated me to stand up to racism

Garry's story motivated me to lose weight

Sonna's book motivated me to read more

If something inspires you the result is that it leads to a difference in terms of your motivation.

Martin Luther inspired me to stand up for racism. I now feel motivated to stop racism.

Garry's story inspired me to lose weight. I now feel motivated to lose weight

Sonna's book inspired me to read more. I now feel motivated to read more.

Solution 2:

First of all, they are synonyms and in most (if not all) cases they could be used interchangeably as both imply that something is causing something else's actions. However, they do have slightly different connotations.

When one motivates someone the motivator is typically giving someone a reason (e.g. motive) to do something. For example, money is a reason to work. If I yell at you to exercise you then you have a reason to exercise (fear, intimidation, or a desire to impress) and so you could say that I am motivating you. If you are using motivate then the focus is on a specific reason/motive and it tends to be specific and narrow. You generally wouldn't say a vague statement like "Joe motivates me."

When one inspires someone there isn't necessarily a solid reason. The focus tends to be more on the one doing the inspiring. It can be used when the reason is vague (e.g. if MLK inspires you to do things then there are reasons MLK is creating for you but it would be hard to pin them down) and can be used in vague statements (e.g. "Joe inspires me." is a fine sentence).

I think the word you use depends on what you are trying to communicate. If you want to focus on a specific reason/action relationship use motivate. If you want to keep it vague use inspire.