In one of my classes we discussed the ring of 2x2 matrices $M_{2}(\mathbb{Z})$. We said that its group of units was $SL_{2}(\mathbb{Z})$ which means that it is the set of 2x2 with determinant equal to $\pm$1. Why can't we have a 2x2 matrix with entries a,b,c, and d such that $\frac{a}{ad-bc}$,$\frac{-b}{ad-bc}$,$\frac{-c}{ad-bc}$, and $\frac{d}{ad-bc}$ are all integers?

I'm sure its a simple contradiction argument, but I couldn't see it. So if anyone knows a quick elementary argument, it'd be greatly appreciated

Solution 1:

As others have pointed out, the key here is that the determinant of $M^{-1}$ has to be equal to $\frac{1}{det(M)}$ on the one hand, by the properties of the determinant, and also that since $M$ and $M^{-1}$ both have integer coefficients then their determinants must be integers. So you need an integer $e=det(M)$ such that both $e$ and $\frac{1}{e}$ are integers, and the only possibility is $e=\pm 1$.

If you don't consider arguments using the determinant to be "elementary", perhaps the following will do: note that $ad-bc$ must divide each of $a$, $b$, $c$, and $d$. Let $D=ad-bc$; we can then write $a=Da'$, $b=Db'$, $c=Dc'$, $d=Dd'$; then $D = ad-bc=D^2(a'd'-b'c')$, so $D=D^2(a'd'-b'c')$. Therefore, since $D\neq 0$, we must have $D(a'd'-b'c')=1$, so $D|1$, hence $D=ad-bc=\pm 1$, which is what you wanted to show.

Solution 2:

The map $\det:M_2(\mathbb Z)\to\mathbb Z$ is multiplicative, and the determinant of the identity matrix is $1$. It follows from this that the determinant of any inversible element of $M_2(\mathbb Z)$ must be an inversible element of $\mathbb Z$. There are only two such elements in $\mathbb Z$, v.g. $1$ and $-1$.