Why can't the Alpertron solve this Pell-like equation?

Solution 1:

I have answered on MSE many times about this: using Lagrange/Gauss method, you can find the cycle of "reduced" forms in the equivalence class of $x^2 - t y^2.$ Furthermore, the disciminant of this form being $4t,$ all primitively represented values with absolute value up to $$ \frac{1}{2} \sqrt {4t} = \sqrt t $$ is found as a first coefficient of one of the forms.

Perhaps the kicker is PRIMITIVE representations. For you, $\gcd(n,486 n^7) = n. $ I would say that any solution to your problem with $n=5$ must have both $x,y$ divisible by $5.$ That would throw off the usual method. I think you should expect the same trouble for $n=5,11,17,23,29,41,\ldots$

EDIT, 5 March 2014: I just noticed the trouble about 32 with d=761, 1489. Lagrange's method easily gives these, see below where 32 occurs as the first coefficient of one of the forms (triples).

  jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ ./Pell
Input n for Pell 

0  form   1 54 -32   delta  -1
1  form   -32 10 23   delta  1
2  form   23 36 -19   delta  -2
3  form   -19 40 19   delta  2
4  form   19 36 -23   delta  -1
5  form   -23 10 32   delta  1
6  form   32 54 -1   delta  -54
7  form   -1 54 32   delta  1
8  form   32 10 -23   delta  -1
9  form   -23 36 19   delta  2
10  form   19 40 -19   delta  -2
11  form   -19 36 23   delta  1
12  form   23 10 -32   delta  -1
13  form   -32 54 1   delta  54
14  form   1 54 -32

 disc   3044
Automorph, written on right of Gram matrix:  
-27201  -1484800
-46400  -2532801

 Pell automorph 
-1280001  -35310400
-46400  -1280001

Pell unit 
-1280001^2 - 761 * -46400^2 = 1 


-800^2 - 761 * -29^2 = -1 


761       761

jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$

jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ 
jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ ./Pell
Input n for Pell 

0  form   1 76 -45   delta  -1
1  form   -45 14 32   delta  1
2  form   32 50 -27   delta  -2
3  form   -27 58 24   delta  2
4  form   24 38 -47   delta  -1
5  form   -47 56 15   delta  4
6  form   15 64 -31   delta  -2
7  form   -31 60 19   delta  3
8  form   19 54 -40   delta  -1
9  form   -40 26 33   delta  1
10  form   33 40 -33   delta  -1
11  form   -33 26 40   delta  1
12  form   40 54 -19   delta  -3
13  form   -19 60 31   delta  2
14  form   31 64 -15   delta  -4
15  form   -15 56 47   delta  1
16  form   47 38 -24   delta  -2
17  form   -24 58 27   delta  2
18  form   27 50 -32   delta  -1
19  form   -32 14 45   delta  1
20  form   45 76 -1   delta  -76
21  form   -1 76 45   delta  1
22  form   45 14 -32   delta  -1
23  form   -32 50 27   delta  2
24  form   27 58 -24   delta  -2
25  form   -24 38 47   delta  1
26  form   47 56 -15   delta  -4
27  form   -15 64 31   delta  2
28  form   31 60 -19   delta  -3
29  form   -19 54 40   delta  1
30  form   40 26 -33   delta  -1
31  form   -33 40 33   delta  1
32  form   33 26 -40   delta  -1
33  form   -40 54 19   delta  3
34  form   19 60 -31   delta  -2
35  form   -31 64 15   delta  4
36  form   15 56 -47   delta  -1
37  form   -47 38 24   delta  2
38  form   24 58 -27   delta  -2
39  form   -27 50 32   delta  1
40  form   32 14 -45   delta  -1
41  form   -45 76 1   delta  76
42  form   1 76 -45

 disc   5956
Automorph, written on right of Gram matrix:  
-301402109537809  -23083652981172600
-512970066248280  -39287127144407089

 Pell automorph 
-19794264626972449  -763812428643688920
-512970066248280  -19794264626972449

Pell unit 
-19794264626972449^2 - 1489 * -512970066248280^2 = 1 


99484332^2 - 1489 * 2578145^2 = -1 


1489       1489

jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ 

  1. I wrote a program that displays the x,y values. Looking at the cycle above, we se that all solutions of $x^2 - 761 y^2 = 32$ are images of these under the automorphism indicated.

    jagy@phobeusjunior:~$ ./Pell_Target_Fundamental

    1280001^2 - 761 46400^2 = 1

    x^2 - 761 y^2 = 32

    Sun May 8 08:21:00 PDT 2016

    x: 469 y: 17 ratio: 27.58823529411764 SEED x: 43669 y: 1583 ratio: 27.58622867972204 SEED

    Sun May 8 08:22:00 PDT 2016

    x^2 - 761 y^2 = 32

    Pell automorph 1280001 35310400 46400 1280001
