Can one router influence other who is linked to it?

Solution 1:

Table of contents:

  1. How do I put two routers in the same network?

  2. How do I make my wired computers inaccessible from wireless?

Choose the one that you would want, I think you want option 2 so scroll down.

How do I put two routers in the same network?

Note: In terms of security this set-up gives the same results as having just one wireless router.

 INTERNET                           Schematic: Both routers in the same network.
|       |
| MODEM |                                        
|_______|                     Not connected!     
    |                            |               
 ___|WAN______                ___|WAN______      
|             | DHCP SERVER  |             | DHCP SERVER
|_____________| OWN IP: .0.1 |_____________| OWN IP: .0.254
    |LAN1  |LAN2              |LAN1 :WIFI
    |      |__________________|     :     Note: This is the correct way to put
 COMPUTER                       ANDROID         two routers in the same network,
 DHCP ON.                       DHCP ON.        some routers can just bridge the
                                                WAN connection with the WiFi...

The following steps have to be performed:

  1. Disconnect everything.

  2. Insert the internet cable in the WAN port of the Modem.

  3. Connect the WAN side of the Home Router to a LAN port on the Modem.

  4. Connect the computer to a LAN port of the Home Router.

  5. Connect a LAN port of the Wireless Router with a LAN port of the Home Router.

  6. Configure the computer to receive DHCP.

  7. Configure the Home Router such that the DHCP server is enabled and it has an IP in the range. Make sure you set the range to something that will exclude both routers, eg. .0.2 - .0.254.

  8. Configure the Wireless Router such that the DHCP server is disabled and it has an IP in the same range as the Home Router, but not the exact same IP. For example, set your Home Router to end with .0.1 and your Wireless Router to end with .0.254.

    It might be necessary to temporarily connect your computer to the wireless router in order to perform these steps, if you forget the IP of the router just reset it first so you can connect to it.

    If your Wireless Router supports bridge mode; after setting the above settings, insert the cable that runs between both routers in the WAN side of the Wireless Router and enable bridge mode.

  9. Connect the Android to the Wireless network and make sure that your Android is set to DHCP.

As an end result, both the Computer and Android device will receive an IP from the Home Router.

It broke sometimes because the routers sending out two different ranges of IPs over the same network. Sometimes your Computer and Android Device get to be in the wrong range and are confused over how to route their data along, it's non-feasible to have your data first sent to the wrong router...

How do I make my wired computers inaccessible from wireless?

Note: This set-up puts your computer in a private network inaccessible from WiFi.

 INTERNET                   Schematic: The wired computers in a private network.
|       |
| MODEM |                                        
|             | DHCP SERVER ENABLED.
| WIRELESS R  | DHCP RANGE: .0.2 - .0.254
|_____________| OWN IP: .0.1     
    |LAN  :WIFI     
    |     :
    |   ANDROID
    |   DHCP ON.
| HOME ROUTER | DHCP RANGE: .1.2 - .1.254 
|_____________| OWN IP: .1.1
 DHCP ON.                             

The following steps have to be performed:

  1. Disconnect everything.

  2. Insert the devices as shown in the schematic.

    Internet <--> WAN Modem LAN <--> WAN Wireless R LAN <--> WAN Home R LAN <--> Computer

  3. Configure your Computer and Android device to have DHCP on.

  4. Connect your computer temporarily to the Wireless Router.

  5. Reset the Wireless Router, give it IP .0.1, set it to give DHCP range .0.2 - .0.254.

    Make sure its Wireless settings are configured right, take the highest security and a good password.

  6. Connect your computer to the Wired Router.

  7. Reset the Wired Router, give it IP .1.1, set it to give DHCP range .1.2 - .1.254.

    If you have problems after you reset the router, temporarily plug out the WAN cable during configuration because that could be because both routers got assigned to the same range.

  8. Configure the Android device so that it connect to the Wireless Router.

Now wireless devices won't be able to access your computer anymore.

Solution 2:

If I understand right, your setup looks like this : modem - router 1 - WiFi router.

Which is the DHCP master here, and are you sure that there is only one ?
And to which modem/router is your PC connected, and is this via cable or WiFi ?

If, for example, the WiFi router is also a DHCP master, then it may create its own network on which there is no Internet available, for example, while the modem creates its own network of Your PC may then randomly join the network of whichever router answers first its DHCP query.

You can check this using in a Command Prompt (cmd) the command ipconfig in both situations, where Internet is available or not, to see if your network (the first 3 numbers) changes.