Set netgear router to AP mode cannot get in web interface

I have two netgear routers:

  • Netgear fvs336gv2 (professional router)(
  • Netgear wndr4500v2 (consumer router)(

The pro router is the main router fvs336gv2 ( and I have plugged an ethernet cable from a port of the pro router into the internet port of the consumer router ( When I have wifi connection to the consumer router (access point mode) I have a perfect internet connection the only downside is that I cannot get into the web interface of the consumer router (access point)

When I go to it gives me a default website of one of our running internal webservers (I forwarded port 80 in the main router) When I go to i get the same thing.

In the pro routers webinterface ( I can see by the mac address that the ip ending with 103 is of the access point. When I plug an ethernet cable in the accesspoint 'lan' ports I also cannot enter the webinterface.

It seems (to me) that when you set a Netgear router to AP-mode, it becomes unmanageable. I have no idea how to fix this. The option to restore access to the webinterface is reset the accesspoint, but then it will be a router again with dhcp etc. and I want it to function as accesspoint (because the new pro-router has no wifi and my co-wokers macbook air has no ethernet port)

edit I identified the router which was set to accesspoint by looking in the connected lan clients of the pro/main router and searching for it's mac address

edit 2 the steps I took to get it to ap-mode are similar to

Solution 1:

Found it, webinterface was unavailable (somehow) but you can access it by installing Genie and add the ip of the access point manually