Missing Bluetooth indicator [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Thanks Grzegorz for the nudge in the right direction.

I found the below bazaar fork there. Its pending review but seems to be working for most:


Installation instructions are at:

How do I install a bazaar fork in 13.10?

The summary of commands to use:

sudo apt-get install bzr build-essential 
sudo apt-get build-dep indicator-bluetooth  
bzr branch lp:~robert-ancell/indicator-bluetooth/dont-hide-on-rfkill  
cd dont-hide-on-rfkill  
sudo dpkg -i indicator-bluetooth_0.0.6daily13.02.19-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb

Restart system

Solution 2:

Unfortunately you can't make bluetooth activator to grey out if not active in Ubuntu 13.04.

Check the sources of indicator-bluetooth at Launchpad.