Ubuntu randomly started blinking the screen on boot

I used my Ubuntu Desktop yesterday as usual, but now I can't boot in because the screen keeps flickering to a black screen and a verbose boot screen where I see no failure or errors. I can ALT-F2 and see the login, but it stills flickers so I can't type correctly my password. I didn't install anything particular, I've searched a little and people talk about NVIDIA drivers, but I didn't install anything like this yesterday, what can I do?

Thanks for helping.

dpkg -l *nvidia* | grep ii returns

 nvidia-375               375.66-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
 nvidia-opencl-icd-375    375.66-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
 nvidia-prime             0.8.2
 nvidia-settings          361.42-0ubuntu1

  1. Uninstall the Windows driver that allows you to read/write to Ubuntu EXT4 partitions.

  2. To check the file system on your Ubuntu partition...

    • boot to the GRUB menu
    • choose Advanced Options
    • choose Recovery mode
    • choose Root access
    • at the # prompt, type sudo fsck -f /
    • repeat the fsck command if there were errors
    • type reboot

Update #1:

  • boot to the GRUB menu
  • select Ubuntu
  • hit the e key
  • use arrow keys to move
  • find the line that has "quiet splash"
  • add nomodeset, so "quiet splash nomodeset"
  • hit F10 to exit and continue boot
  • see if it flickers

I recently had the blinking screen on a dual boot Ubuntu 18 and Windows 10 machine and the boot sequence seemed to be stuck. When I tried CTRL+ALT+DEL a message was displayed that unattended updates was in progress. At some point the blinking stopped and a finished message appeared. The machine rebooted, and everything was normal after that.