Is it possible to upgrade a MacBook processor?

I have a 2006 Dual core Duo MacBook. It is fast enough to do basic photo editing on the go, as my job requires, however I would like to install Lion, to bring it in line with my workstation and devices.

This would mean I need a new processor, minimum Dual Core 2 Duo (as required by Lion), although I would rather install an i3 or i5.

Is this at all possible?

Solution 1:

Since the CPU and GPU are welded onto the logic board (Apple's term for motherboard) such a task would require you to replace the whole logic board!

  • I cannot name specific prices, but this is really expensive. After all, this is the most expensive part of a Macbook. Usually, it is recommended to buy a newer (second hand) computer instead.

  • An upgrade to the logicboard of a non-unibody Macbook with a Core 2 Duo might be possible with e.g. the generation of the Macbook 4,1 since both are build quite similar. You should verify this with the Apple support.

  • An upgrade to the logicboard of a unibody Macbook with i3/i7 is ruled out since the internal structure is totally different. The size and location of logic board, and battery have changed 'vastly' amongst other things.

Solution 2:

Short answer is no, the chipset and socket of the 2006 dual core will be different to the core 2 and i5 CPU