Can select * usage ever be justified?

Solution 1:

I'm quite happy using * in audit triggers.

In that case it can actually prove a benefit because it will ensure that if additional columns are added to the base table it will raise an error so it cannot be forgotten to deal with this in the audit trigger and/or audit table structure.

(Like dotjoe) I am also happy using it in derived tables and column table expressions. Though I habitually do it the other way round.

     AS (SELECT *,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a) AS RN
         FROM   foo)
FROM   t; 

I'm mostly familiar with SQL Server and there at least the optimiser has no problem recognising that only columns a,b,c will be required and the use of * in the inner table expression does not cause any unnecessary overhead retrieving and discarding unneeded columns.

In principle SELECT * ought to be fine in a view as well as it is the final SELECT from the view where it ought to be avoided however in SQL Server this can cause problems as it stores column metadata for views which is not automatically updated when the underlying tables change and the use of * can lead to confusing and incorrect results unless sp_refreshview is run to update this metadata.

Solution 2:

There are many scenarios where SELECT * is the optimal solution. Running ad-hoc queries in Management Studio just to get a sense of the data you're working with. Querying tables where you don't know the column names yet because it's the first time you've worked with a new schema. Building disposable quick'n'dirty tools to do a one-time migration or data export.

I'd agree that in "proper" development, you should avoid it - but there's lots of scenarios where "proper" development isn't necessarily the optimum solution to a business problem. Rules and best practices are great, as long as you know when to break them. :)

Solution 3:

I'll use it in production when working with CTEs. But, in this case it's not really select *, because I already specified the columns in the CTE. I just don't want to respecify in the final select.

with t as (
    select a, b, c from foo

select t.* from t;

Solution 4:

None that I can think of, if you are talking about live code.

People saying that it makes adding columns easier to develop (so they automatically get returned and can be used without changing the Stored procedure) have no idea about writing optimal code/sql.

I only ever use it when writing ad-hoc queries that will not get reused (finding out the structure of a table, getting some data when I am not sure what the column names are).

Solution 5:

I think using select * in an exists clause is appropriate:

select some_field from some_table 
where exists 
 (select * from related_table [join condition...])

Some people like to use select 1 in this case, but it's not elegant, and it doesn't buy any performance improvements (early optimization strikes again).