Delete every other line in notepad++

I'm not sure Notepad++ is the best tool for this, but using the Power of Regex, we should be able to do it.

Open the replace menu, fill in ([^\n]*\n)[^\n]*\n in the "Find what" box and $1 in the "Replace with" box. Then select regular expression for the search mode, click replace all and every second line is deleted.

You can build similar regexes if you want to do something similar. For example, (([^\n]*\n){a})[^\n]*\n will replace every nth line if you replace a by n - 1 and [^\n]*\n([^\n]*\n) will let you keep even lines instead of odd ones.

You can try to use a Macro.

  1. Start recording Macro
  2. Press down n-times
  3. Press Shift+End
  4. Press delete two times
  5. Stop recording Macro
  6. Run Macro until end of file

I came across this issue myself. What worked for me, also using the Find/Replace function, is to:

  1. Ctrl F and go to Replace
  2. In search mode, select "Extended (\n, \r, \t .. )"
  3. Find what: \n\n
  4. Replace with: \n
  5. Replace All

I think you can do this with awk if you're on a unix style platform:

awk 'NR % 2 == 0' file > outfile

NR is the line number, so this will just say "if the line is divisible by 2 stick it in newfile."

If you are on windows, I think the answer here would work:

batch file to keep one of ten lines