How can I change cols of textarea in twitter-bootstrap?

Solution 1:

The other answers didn't work for me. This did:

    <div class="span6">
        <textarea class="field span12" id="textarea" rows="6" placeholder="Enter a short synopsis"></textarea>
        <button class="btn">Upload</button>

Note the span12 in a div with span6.

Solution 2:

UPDATE: As of Bootstrap 3.0, the input-* classes described below for setting the width of input elements were removed. Instead use the col-* classes to set the width of input elements. Examples are provided in the documentation.

In Bootstrap 2.3, you'd use the input classes for setting the width.

<textarea class="input-mini"></textarea>
<textarea class="input-small"></textarea>
<textarea class="input-medium"></textarea>
<textarea class="input-large"></textarea>
<textarea class="input-xlarge"></textarea>
<textarea class="input-xxlarge"></textarea>​
<textarea class="input-block-level"></textarea>​

Do a find for "Control sizing" for examples in the documentation.

But for height I think you'd still use the rows attribute.

Solution 3:

Simply add the bootstrap "row-fluid" class to the textarea. It will stretch to 100% width;

Update: For bootstrap 3.x use "col-xs-12" class for textarea;

Update II: Also if you want to extend the container to full width use: container-fluid class.