What is a word or phrase that describes something that offers no context or value?

I'm currently looking at revamping a list of options. One of the possible choices is called 'Noisy' meaning that this offers nothing of value to anyone reading the problem. However, I'm not sure 'Noisy' is the right term for what I'm looking for. Other possibilities that don't seem to fit are noisy, not needed, unnecessary.

Is there a word or a phrase that means 'something is uneeded or offers no value' when looking at a topic? An example would be:

This should be deleted or removed because it is _______.

Solution 1:

It's irrelevant:

Not connected with or relevant to something:
‘an irrelevant comment’

Oxford Dictionaries

What's nice about this word is it's simple. And it's also the word many people already use to describe this type of comment:

  • Should all irrelevant comments be flagged as noise?
  • If I modify an old, unanswered question, why can't I modify the irrelevant comments?
  • One of Madara Uchiha♦'s answers:

    Thus, it's the job of us moderators (as well as members of the community who voluntarily give up some of their time for the sake of the site), to remove noise. Noise being bad answers (which are voted down and/or edited), bad questions (which are voted down and/or closed and/or edited) and irrelevant comments (which are flagged and deleted).

Solution 2:

I like to use superfluous:

1b: not needed : unnecessary
from m-w.com

It can have a connotation of 'pointlessly excessive.' If you have 3 elements when 1 is sufficient, and the other elements add no value, then the additional elements would be superfluous.

Solution 3:

How about extraneous?


extraneous: not forming an essential or vital part; having no relevance

Your example:

This should be deleted or removed because it is extraneous.

If it doesn't form an essential or vital part, it can be deleted or removed. Similarly, if it has no relevance, it can be deleted or removed. In both cases, it's noise.