How is 'et al 'pronounced? [closed]

As we know the term 'et al 'is used frequently to denote a team along with a specific person,how is it actually pronounced?

For eg.Sir William Brown et al have conducted extensive studies on black holes.

I have heard the pronunciation as 'et al' itself and usages like 'and others'.How should it be correctly pronounced?

Solution 1:

The way to pronouce 'et al.' is given in many dictionaries. For instance Cambridge.

If you are asking whether you should actually say 'et al.' or something different, that is up to you. Academia has a close question: 'et al' in presentation speech, and the remarks there suggest 'and others', 'and coauthors', and the accepted answer suggests 'and his/her group/coauthors/colleagues'.

You could say: "Sir William Brown and (his) coauthors'. However, you can just say "Sir William Brown et al."

Solution 2:

"et al." is an abbreviation. When read aloud, you pronounce the full term "et alii" (or "et alia") - same as you would say "et cetera" when reading aloud the "etc." abbreviation.

Alternatively, you could say "and others" - same as you would say "for example" when reading aloud the "e.g." abbreviation.