The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved.

Have you tried using Project > Clean... from the menu? This will force a new build on the selected projects in Eclipse.

1-Right CLick on your project folder, Choose Build Path > Configure Build Path
2-Select Libraries Tab and delete any arbitrary library present there.
3-Click on Add Library option, Select JRE System Library and click Next.
4-Choose last Radiobutton option Workspace default JRE and click Finish.
5-press f5 for refresh.
6-run ur program .

This happens when libraries added to the project doesn't have the correct path.

  1. Right click on your project (from package explorer)
  2. Got build path -> configure build path
  3. Select the libraries tab
  4. Fix the path error (give the correct path) by editing jars or classes at fault

This what fixed it for me...

I was having an issue with my spring-core.jar. I deleted the entire release directory located here. (I'm on win 10).


I right clicked on the project > Maven > Update project and my exclamation mark disappeared. No problems any more.

Here is the source where I found the information:

This works for me: close the project then re-open it, this will force eclipse to see it as a fresh project and detects a correct build path.