Passing Multiple route params in Angular2

Is it possible to pass multiple route params e.g. like below need to pass id1 and id2 to the component B

    {path: '/component/:id :id2',name: 'MyCompB', component:MyCompB }
export class MyCompA {
    this._router.navigate( ['MyCompB', {id: "someId", id2: "another ID"}]);

Solution 1:

OK realized a mistake .. it has to be /:id/:id2

Anyway didn't find this in any tutorial or other StackOverflow question.

@RouteConfig([{path: '/component/:id/:id2',name: 'MyCompB', component:MyCompB}])
export class MyCompA {
        this._router.navigate( ['MyCompB', {id: "someId", id2: "another ID"}]);

Solution 2:

As detailed in this answer, mayur & user3869623's answer's are now relating to a deprecated router. You can now pass multiple parameters as follows:

To call router:

this.router.navigate(['/myUrlPath', "someId", "another ID"]);

In routes.ts:

{ path: 'myUrlpath/:id1/:id2', component: componentToGoTo},