First-order logic without equality

Solution 1:

The question is this:

Can we do without equality in first order logic, and get something equally expressive using a language with the semantics for quantifiers tweaked so that different variables get assigned different values?

The proposal here in fact goes back to Wittgenstein's Tractatus 5.53, where he writes, ‘Identity of the object I express by identity of the sign and not by means of a sign of identity. Difference of the objects by difference of the signs.’ Can this proposal, not really developed out by Wittgenstein, be made to work?

The answer is it that it can, as shown by Hintikka in 1956 ('Identity, Variables, and Impredicative Definitions', Journal of Symbolic Logic). Hintikka distinguishes the usual 'inclusive' reading of the variables (i.e. we are allowed to assign the same object to distinct variables) from the 'exclusive' reading, and then proves the key theorem (summarized on p. 235):

[E]verything expressible in terms of the inclusive quantifiers and identity may also be expressed by means of the weakly exclusive quantifiers without using a special symbol for identity.

So yes, Hans Striker's conjecture is right. For a more recent revisiting of Hintikka's result, in the context of interpreting the Tractatus see e.g. Kai F. Wehmeier's 'How to Live without Identity - And Why', Australasian Journal of Philosophy 2012, downloadable at