Is ASMedia ASM1061 SATA3 Controller supported under Linux ?

Is ASMedia ASM1061 supported under Linux ? I have an AsRock 880GMH/U3S3 motherboard but i can’t get the SATA3 controller to work. There are some spare info around google about it, but nothing that fully confirms the support, the official drivers don't support linux either. Anyone managed to make this work ?

Solution 1:

After some trial and error, I managed to make it work. First of all, I upgraded my kernel to the Debian backports version (2.6.39-bpo.2-amd64), then I had set the mode of the controller to AHCI and afterwards, it was detected at boot time. I hope it's stable and has no problems.

After a few days I can confirm that it's stable and that I had no issues with it. Transfer speed seems fine.

Solution 2:

kernel commit. works perfect for me (tested in 3.7.8)