Can geographical notifications be reset?

While exploring the ocean, you'll periodically receive notifications about the surrounding area when you approach certain areas for the first time.

For example, one notification

tells you about a nearby cave system having fossilized remains.

A document I came across later in the game mentions several of these areas as places to search for important points of interest. The problem is, I want to find these areas again and have absolutely no clue where they are.

Is there a way to reset certain notifications to trigger again when I'm near the right area?

Here is a list of the voice-overs with there specific triggers.

In cases similar to your example the dialogue is triggered by entering a new biome for the first time (the notification you provide is heard when entering Lost River).
It doesn't matter from what point you enter that biome.

All the geographical notifications are also listed on their respective Fandom pages.

I don't think there is a way to reinstate the triggering of the notifications (I tried removing the CellsCache folder but, not unsurprisingly, that doesn't reinitialize them).