Is there a synonym for voyeuristic without a sexual connotation?

The word invasive implies monitoring someone in the general sense.

The problem with social media is that it's inherently invasive.




1.1 Tending to intrude on a person's thoughts or privacy

So it's a little bit invasive right now, and we have no privacy.’
‘Data retention is an invasive tool that interferes with the private lives of all 450 million people in the European Union.’

How about: the media is inherently divulgent?

from the Free Dictionary:


  1. To make known (something private or secret).
  2. Archaic To proclaim publicly. [Middle English divulgen, from Old French divulguer, from Latin dīvulgāre, to publish : dī-, dis-, among; see dis- + vulgāre, to spread among the multitude (from vulgus, common people).]

I think the word you may want is the not-very-sexy public, as in not-private, or

1 a : exposed to general view : open (Merriam-Webster)

This fits with "on display for people who are not participants" as well as difficulties being clandestine and the scrutiny of what (used to be) private. So

The problem with social media is that it's inherently public.

You could also look at synonyms of public (and their synonyms); for example, exposed may be better if you want connotations of embarrassment and lack of protection.

I would suggest exhibitionistic:

exhibitionist: a person who behaves in ways intended to attract attention or display his or her powers, personality, etc.
Related forms: exhibitionistic, adjective

Social media's entire reason for being is to bring your activities to the attention of others, to put your goings-on on display.

'Observation-ist' may seem an obvious alternative, but it's weak. 'Facebook-stalker', etc., although probably concise, is too..plebeian;

I arrived at this site for the same reason. Trying to find a suitable synonym for the word 'voyeur' without the the sexual connotation. Of course there are plenty of phrases, but those phrases lack that effective verbal punch of a good word. I think social media sites inherently conjure up the feelings of -what we identify with as- 'voyeurism.'.. but, again this word defines a devious sexual connotation. Not everyone who habitually peruses others social media content is a sexual deviant as the word suggest.