A word for "insincere/perfunctory advocacy"

Solution 1:

I'd say tokenism:

NOUN mass noun The practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do a particular thing, especially by recruiting a small number of people from under-represented groups in order to give the appearance of sexual or racial equality within a workforce.

There’s been a lot of hype around it having a female director, but some reviewers have criticized it as "tokenism".

Solution 2:

You can say the program or character pays lip service to feminism, as in this critique:

Scantily clad in leather thongs, thigh-high boots, and a chastity belt, Aeon is a dominatrix designed to titillate MTV's youthful, male audience. The sexual nature of her presentation suggests that, like other sexualized images of "powerful" women, the series is paying lip service to feminism while conveying deeply masculinist attitudes in drag.

The expression dates from 1635–1645 and means “in words only.”

Solution 3:

It was merely feminist posturing.


1.behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead. "a masking of fear with macho posturing"

2.adopt (a particular attitude) so as to impress or mislead. "the companies may posture regret, but they have a vested interest in increasing Third World sales"

source: Oxford Dictionaries