How to bold, color, and remove italics on an item at the same time?

Solution 1:

Please include the Minecraft version you are using when asking a command replated question because the syntax has changed in version 1.13.

For 1.13 and above:

/give @a minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner:speedysky123,display:{Name:'{"text":"speedysky123\'s","color":"green","italic":"false","bold":"true"}'}}

for 1.12, this is where it gets tricky. To get colors in 1.12, people used color codes which look like this "§2some text". A color code is composed of the section symbol (§) and a letter/number representing a specific color (you can find all the color codes on the Minecraft wiki). The problem with this is that the in-game chat and command blocks don't support this symbol so you can't type it. A workaround would be to use external software such as NBTExplorer or McEdit to paste the color codes in, but since you want to give this item to all players, I don't think this will be of much use to you. Long story short, I don't think you can achieve this in 1.12 without using external software or tricky methods.