Concatenating function result with string in powershell

function log-file {
  Add-Content -path $logfile -Value "$(Get-Date) $message"

function ping-server {
  $ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping

log-file "Pinging server = " + (ping-server $server).status

How can I get the above to work with one line rather than doing this:

$pingable = (ping-server $server).status
log-file "Pinging server = $pingable"

Solution 1:

Try making this modification to the log-file function call

log-file $("Pinging server = " + (ping-server $server).status)

Solution 2:

There are many ways to concatenate/glue strings in PowerShell, but I prefer avoiding the plus sign, because its main role is addition and sometimes messes things up with strings.

I think more efficient and readable way is the following:

log-file $("Pinging server = $((ping-server $server).status)")

Just wrap your function in $() and place it inside the double quotes.

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