An adjective describing a crowd who are talking with each other passionately

Based on your edit where you say the word rhymes with concupy/concopious, the word you are looking for is:


Which Collins defines as:

  1. harsh discordant sound; dissonance
  2. the use of unharmonious or dissonant speech sounds in language

However, please note that cacophony doesn't have a connotation or denotation of a heterogeneous crowd of people or animals, but rather a heterogeneous "crowd" of sounds.

Etymologically, it comes to us from the Greek for "evil/bad sounding", but the connotation above that strict meaning is "sounds terrible because of a mixture of a bunch of disparate sounds that don't go well together".

Of course, a crowd of many different people jabbering at one another, shouting over each other, and generally being noisy is pretty well captured by cacophony, so the word has become attached to that image and is often used in that context.

Having said that, the word is by no means restricted to crowds (human or otherwise) babbling: it's still used as an epithet for music one doesn't like, the kids making a ruckus in the nursery, and so on.


Cacophony isn't an adjective.