Is there a term that describes hating "sunset" moment?

There are terms that are used to describe something we like or dislike. For example, the term "nyctophilia" means loving or preferring the darkness.
Is there is a term that describes disliking sunset?

No, there isn't a single word for "disliking sunset" (or at least, I know of no such term). There also isn't any obvious way to form one.

Just as the Ancient Greek word for "night" is nyx, with the combining form nyct(o)-, the Ancient Greek word for "sunset" seems to be heliodysion, which I think would have the combining form heliodysi(o)-. (Note: there are other Greek and Latin roots meaning things like "twilight" and "dusk".)

However, there's no good way I know of to take it from there and find or invent a noun meaning "dislike of sunset".

Usually, nouns ending in -phobia refer to fears. In some cases, they refer to more generalized aversions (such as hydrophobia) but this is not the semantic center of the suffix. So *heliodysiophobia seems off.

One affix used in words derived from Greek that does indicate "disike" is mis(o)-, as in misogyny or misanthropy. However, it's not particularly productive, especially not for nouns, and *misheliodysy or *miseliodysy look weird and are incomprehensible (I'm also not all that confident that these would be the correct forms).