Django - makemigrations - No changes detected

I was trying to create migrations within an existing app using the makemigrations command but it outputs "No changes detected".

Usually I create new apps using the startapp command but did not use it for this app when I created it.

After debugging, I found that it is not creating migration because the migrations package/folder is missing from an app.

Would it be better if it creates the folder if it is not there or am I missing something?

Solution 1:

To create initial migrations for an app, run makemigrations and specify the app name. The migrations folder will be created.

./ makemigrations <myapp>

Your app must be included in INSTALLED_APPS first (inside

Solution 2:

My problem (and so solution) was yet different from those described above.

I wasn't using file, but created a models directory and created the file there, where I put my model. Django couldn't find my model so it wrote that there are no migrations to apply.

My solution was: in the my_app/models/ file I added this line: from .my_model import MyModel