Does cinnamon 2.0 really break your 13.10 desktop? [closed]

Solution 1:

Update 7. december 2013: This happened just at the release of 13.10, but it is reported that this shouldn't cause issues any more.

Yes, this is true, it happened to me as well. I couldn't login to the Unity session after upgrading to 13.10 and had to uninstall Cinnamon to get it working. It seems like this is the solution for everyone having a similar problem.

My knowledge is limited and I can't tell you the exact reason why this is happening :) But your link already gives a possible reason for the problem - a common gnome package.

Solution 2:

From what I can tell, Cinnamon 2.0 still uses some parts of Gnome 3 that are different from the ones that Unity expects so you can only have one or the other working until Cinnamon totally removes all Gnome references from it. I prefer Cinnamon over Unity by far so installed Xbuntu to be sure I don't start with rogue Gnome parts installed and put Cinnamon on it as my desktop to try it out. On a fresh install I just did, the files I think are in conflict are:

gnome-session-common 3.9.90
gnome-session 3.9.90
g-system-monitor 3.8.2
g-terminal-data 3.6.1
g-terminal 3.6.1
gnome-session-fallback 3.6.2

I am pretty sure Unity needs other versions to run. Hope that helps.

Solution 3:

While Cinnamon team is working to fix the issue, here is the quick way to fix it. Open a terminal and use the following command:

sudo rm -f /usr/share/upstart/sessions/cinnamon-se*

This will remove the Cinnamon files from the upstart session. The trick is suggested by Michael Webster of Cinnamon dev team.

Solution 4:

The problem only occures with Cinnamon 2.0 from an additional repository. I recommend to uninstall Cinnamon by simply using sudo apt-get remove .*cinnamon.* and sudo apt-get remove .*nemo.*

The repository probably was disabled automatically during Ubuntu upgrade, but it might be good to check this or remove it:

Now reinstall Cinnamon and Nemo simply trough the Ubuntu repositories. You can use apt-get, Synaptic or even the Software Center.

With Ubuntu 13.10 Cinnamon and Nemo are easy to choose for all Ubuntu users! :) Though instead of version 2.0 you will get 1.8.4 (as of today)