How do I install the Intel HD 3000 video driver?
how do I install a new video driver?
I need to install the Intel HD 3000 video driver in my PC which is running Ubuntu 10.04.
Solution 1:
Sandy Bridge Graphics such as the HD3000 will need an upgrade of the Mesa support beyond what is available for Lucid.
One of the best PPAs with a mesa version that has backports for Sandy Bridge support is from Stefan Glasenhardt.
I would NOT install the install the x-org edgers PPA which is often quoted. x-org edgers - as the developers themselves say - is very unstable and can cause major graphics issues since updates are frequent and often sparingly tested.
Since you are using a modern laptop, you will also require the more up-to date Kernel - 2.6.38 which is available from Synaptic Manager.
How to install:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:glasen/intel-driver
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty linux-headers-generic-lts-backport-natty
Working with the OP - this solution only works for 32bit Ubuntu. 64bit Ubuntu with this solution will leave you with a frozen/messed up graphics and as such should be avoided.
Solution 2:
Your best solution is probably to upgrade to 10.10 and then 11.04. That has the newer drivers available already.
Alternatively there are drivers for 10.04 available, with some risk of instability:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
As documented on Ubuntu's own forums.