What are all the bow types?

I'm curious as to what all the bow types are, and their order of power.

From what I can gather so far:

  • Long bow
  • Hunters bow
  • Orc bow
  • Dwarven bow
  • Forsworn Bow
  • Elven Bow
  • Glass Bow
  • Ebony bow

I assume a Daedric bow as well, but have yet to see one.

Here's a list of all the bows, excluding all the enchantment possibilities. Minor spoilers, obviously.

Name              Weight Value Damage
Ancient Nord Bow  12     45    8 
Angi's Bow        7      50    7 
Daedric Bow       18     2500  19 
Dravin's Bow      7      50    7 
Dwarven Bow       10     270   12 
Ebony Bow         16     1440  17 
Elven Bow         12     470   13 
Falmer Bow        15     135   12 
Falmer Supple Bow 20     410   15 
Forsworn Bow      11     145   12 
Gauldur Blackbow  12     5     4 
Glass Bow         14     820   15 
Hunting Bow       7      50    7 
Hunting Bow       4      5     0 
Imperial Bow      8      90    9 
Karliah's Bow     9      5     25 
Long Bow          5      30    6 
Nord Hero Bow     7      200   11 
Orcish Bow        9      150   10 
Supple Ancient 
      Nord Bow    18     235   14

Source: UESP

Here's a list of all the bows in Skyrim:

"Time" means the full draw time of the bow in seconds
"QS" is the "Quick Shot" perk, which allows you to draw a bow 30% faster
"Best Base DPS" is the DPS of the bow when used with Dragonbone Arrows and the Quick Shot perk
The base damage and DPS does not include any damage added from the enchantments that exist on some of the unique bows listed.
Name Base Damage Weight Speed Time DPS QS Time QS DPS Best Base DPS
Ancient Nord Bow (includes Gauldur Blackbow levels 1-18) 8 12 0.875 2.90 2.76 2.46 3.25 13.42
Auriel's Bow [DG] 13 11 1 2.66 4.89 2.28 5.71 16.69
Bound Bow 18 0 0.875 2.90 6.21 2.46 7.32 17.48
Bound Bow (Mystic) 24 0 0.875 2.90 8.28 2.46 9.76 19.92
Bow of Shadows [CC] 19 18 0.9375 2.77 6.86 2.36 8.04 18.63
Bow of the Hunt 10 7 0.937 2.77 3.61 2.36 4.23 14.81
Daedric Bow 19 18 0.5 4.32 4.40 3.55 5.35 12.38
Dragonbone Bow 20 20 0.75 3.21 6.22 2.70 7.40 16.65
Drainspell Bow 14 6 0.875 2.90 4.83 2.46 5.70 15.86
Dwarven Black Bow of Fate [DB] 13 10 0.75 3.21 4.05 2.70 4.81 14.06
Dwarven Bow 12 10 0.75 3.21 3.73 2.70 4.44 13.69
Ebony Bow 17 16 0.5625 3.95 4.30 3.27 5.20 12.84
Elven Bow (includes Firiniel's End) 13 12 0.6875 3.42 3.81 2.86 4.55 13.30
Falmer Bow 12 15 0.75 3.21 3.73 2.70 4.44 13.69
Falmer Supple Bow 15 20 0.75 3.21 4.67 2.70 5.55 14.80
Forsworn Bow 12 11 0.875 2.90 4.14 2.46 4.88 15.04
Glass Bow 15 14 0.625 3.66 4.10 3.04 4.93 13.11
Glass Bow of the Stag Prince [DB] 16 14 0.625 3.66 4.38 3.04 5.26 13.47
Hunting Bow (includes Angi's Bow and Dravin's Bow) 7 7 0.937 2.77 2.53 2.36 2.96 13.54
Imperial Bow 9 8 0.75 3.21 2.80 2.70 3.33 12.58
Karliah's Bow 25 9 0.625 3.66 6.88 3.04 8.22 16.43
Long Bow (includes Froki's Bow) 6 5 1 2.66 2.26 2.28 2.64 13.61
Nightingale Bow levels 1-18 12 9 0.5 4.32 2.78 3.55 3.38 10.41
Nightingale Bow levels 19-26 13 11 0.5 4.32 3.01 3.55 3.69 10.69
Nightingale Bow levels 27-35 15 13 0.5 4.32 3.47 3.55 4.22 11.26
Nightingale Bow levels 36-45 17 15 0.5 4.32 3.94 3.55 4.78 11.82
Nightingale Bow levels 46+ 19 18 0.5 4.32 4.40 3.55 5.35 12.38
Nord Hero Bow 11 7 0.875 2.90 3.80 2.46 4.47 14.64
Nordic Bow [DB] 13 11 0.6875 3.42 3.81 2.86 4.55 13.30
Orcish Bow 10 9 0.812 3.04 3.29 2.57 3.89 13.61
Ruin's Edge [CC] 12 7 0.875 2.90 4.14 2.46 4.88 15.04
Stalhrim Bow [DB] 17 15 0.5625 3.95 4.30 3.27 5.20 12.84
Supple Ancient Nord Bow (includes Gauldur Blackbow levels 19+) 14 18 0.875 2.90 4.83 2.46 5.70 15.86
Zephyr [DG] 12 10 1 2.66 4.51 2.28 5.27 16.25

Source: UESP Wiki, "Skyrim - Archery" article

The Dawnguard DLC adds crossbows, which are also under the Archery skill tree:

Name Weight Value Damage
Crossbow 14 120 19
Enhanced Crossbow 15 200 19
Dwarven Crossbow 20 350 22
Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow 21 550 22

Source: UESP Wiki, "Skyrim - Crossbows" article