What is the maximum team level in Heroes of the Storm?
Solution 1:
The maximun team level for now is 30,
You can verify this by going to the shop try out a hero and using the second button from top right you can level up your "Team" until reaching the maximun of level 30.
Solution 2:
xerido posted the right answer, but I thought it would also be helpful to have an experience chart. Ahli from reddit has data-mined the team level experience requirements, for anyone interested:
level xp req for level up total accumulated xp
1 0 0
2 2010 2010
3 2154 4164
4 2154 6318
5 2154 8472
6 2154 10626
7 3303 13929
8 3303 17232
9 3303 20535
10 3303 23838
11 3303 27141
12 4452 31593
13 4452 36045
14 4452 40497
15 4452 44949
16 4452 49401
17 5600 55001
18 5600 60601
19 5600 66201
20 5600 71801
21 9000 80801
22 10000 90801
23 11500 102301
24 13000 115301
25 15000 130301
26 17000 147301
27 19500 166801
28 22000 188801
29 25000 213801
30 28000 241801