Removing python module installed in develop mode

Use the --uninstall or -u option to develop, i.e:

python develop --uninstall

This will remove it from easy-install.pth and delete the .egg-link. The only thing it doesn't do is delete scripts (yet).

Edit easy-install.pth in your site-packages directory and remove the line that points to your development version of that package.

I have had a similar problem to this before. What I did was I loaded up the Python shell, imported the module and then printed its __file__ attribute. From there I would just remove the folder or file that was being associated.

What you may want to look into is using virtualenv this system allows you to create a instance of python separate from your system. Any modules you install or use in this instance are self contained including the version of the module.

I keep all my projects now inside of there own contained virtualenv, which allows me to install and use whatever modules I want without worrying about screwing up modules from other projects.