Can I open a dropdownlist using jQuery

I was trying to find the same thing and got disappointed. I ended up changing the attribute size for the select box so it appears to open


and then when you're finished


You can easily simulate a click on an element, but a click on a <select> won’t open up the dropdown.

Using multiple selects can be problematic. Perhaps you should consider radio buttons inside a container element which you can expand and contract as needed.

I've come across the same problem and I have a solution. A function called ExpandSelect() that emulates mouse clicking on "select" element, it does so by creating an another <select> element that is absolutely posioned and have multiple options visible at once by setting the size attribute. Tested in all major browsers: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer. Explanation of how it works, along with the code here:

Edit (link was broken).

I've created a project at Google Code, go for the code there:


There is a little difference in GUI when emulating click, but it does not really matter, see it for yourself:

When mouse clicking:


When emulating click:


More screenshots on project's website, link above.

This should cover it:

 var event;
 event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
 event.initMouseEvent('mousedown', true, true, window);
 countries.dispatchEvent(event); //we use countries as it's referred to by ID - but this could be any JS element var

This could be bound for example to a keypress event, so when the element has focus the user can type and it will expand automatically...


  modal.find("select").not("[readonly]").on("keypress", function(e) {

     if (e.keyCode == 13) {
         return false;
     var event;
     event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
     event.initMouseEvent('mousedown', true, true, window);