What ranks are possible, and what decides it?

Just finished the game, got a B rank, but no explanation of what gave me that rank.

Is it collectibles? Cash in pocket at the end? Number of game overs? Combination of all of the above?

Also, what are the possible ranks? I would guess A through maybe E or F; and maybe a S or even SS rank?

Solution 1:

Like in the other Luigi’s Mansion games, what determines your rank is how much money you have, and only money! You get more money by being more skilled at the game — such as sucking up ghosts in one suck, or by capturing lots of gold ghosts, according to this article.

And as for how many ranks there are, there isn’t a definitive answer. But if we’re going to go by past Luigi’s Mansions, it’s gonna be 9 ranks. 'S' being the best and 'H' being the worst, according to this article.