What spells cause the developer to cast black hole?

So I have the purple fin, and I know casting black hole, black demons, and erase magic makes him one shot me with a black hole of his own. Any other tips? I can't afford the scythe yet.

Solution 1:

The Developer casts his black hole spell if you cast any of the following spells:

  • Black Demons
  • Black Hole
  • Erase Magic
  • Obsidian Wall

This is directly from the game's source code.

Solution 2:

Erase Magic, Obsidian Wall, Black Demons and Black hole will cause him to do a blackhole too and instantly kill you (bear in mind, if you're close to him this will hurt him too, so if his hp is low enough he may die).


·Spam fireball. ·Use turtle potion right before the first wave of blue squares hit. ·Blackhole is a good idea if he has ~500k hp. ·Another way to go, which is prolly easier is to use an unenchanted knight's armor (so your damage doesn't get cut in half) and hit him with a scythe; his hp will go down faster and you can nuke him by casting a blackhole so he'll be hit by it twice (he hits himself too).

Solution 3:

Erase magic, or Using a black hole on him (purple fin), or Doing what I did, I used Black Demons and he killed himself with a black hole.... :s