How to access the Keyboard Layout Options in 13.10+

In 13.04 or below I only needed to access the keyboard layout and then click on the Options button as seen in the image below:

enter image description here

In 13.10 the Options button is missing as seen in the following image:

enter image description here

So what is the new method to access any and all Keyboard Layout Options. In my case I wish to activate 3 of them, from killing X, to some custom keys.

That's what GNOME developers decided. Instead, you can access equivalent setting menu in gnome-tweak-tool.

Try install gnome-tweak-tool in official repository and go to typing section.

It seems that this is by design; there has been a reorganization of the keyboard/input methods. Now the keyboard configuration is accessed by system settings -> keyboard, tab shortcut, Typing entries:

keyboard typing shortcuts

But quite a lot of options is just not here anymore, like the settings for ctrl-alt-backspace.

There is now a specific issue opened in Launchpad to ask that back:

By the way, on Nov. 2, 2013, there are still quite a handful of bugs with the change, which you can explore with the quite long and detailed list of related bug linked in the description of the issue aforementioned.