Laptop using 14.04 won't get past login GUI

Solution 1:

I fixed my issue. I had this repository

deb trusty main

in my list. That repository yesterday updated these 4 packages to a custom version (based on GNOME 3.12):

  • ubuntu-session
  • gnome-session-common
  • gnome-session-bin
  • gnome-session

I downgraded these packages to the version 3.9.90-0ubuntu12 and after a sudo service lightdm restart all is working, up and running.

To downgrade from command line:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-session-bin=3.9.90-0ubuntu12
sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-session-common=3.9.90-0ubuntu12
sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-session=3.9.90-0ubuntu12
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-session=3.9.90-0ubuntu12

Solution 2:

I had this problem too after updating. I had to reinstall the display driver to get it to work. The computer that had this problem has an nVidia card running nVidia's driver.

Solution 3:

I my case I replace lightdm to GDM Worked for me

sudo apt-get install gdm
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm

Select the display manager GDM