"Auth Failed" error with EGit and GitHub

My answer may be outdated but hopefully it can be useful for someone.

  1. In your Eclipse go to Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections > SSH2 (or just type "SSH2" in preferences window filter box).

  2. In "Key Management" tab press "Generate RSA Key..." button. Optionally you can add comment (usually e-mail address) and passphrase to your key. Passphrase will be used during authentication on GitHub.

  3. Copy your generated public key (in a box just below "Generate RSA Key..." button) and add it to your GitHub account.
  4. Press "Save Private Key..." button to save your private RSA key into file. By default keys are stored in SSH2 home directory (see "General" tab).

That's it! Now you should be able to push your code to GitHub repo.

I had exactly same problem but I found the cure from a Eclipse bug report!

An environment variable named GIT_SSH must be set with a path to a ssh executable [1].

For example on Ubuntu Linux (10.10 64bit):

> export GIT_SSH=/usr/bin/ssh
> eclipse

After that pushes to GitHub repository work like they should. I tested this with Eclipse Galileo and Indigo.

The problem is really annoying and the solution is far from nice. For now, making the solution permanent for, at least Ubuntu users, one must make the env variable permanent. It can be done by adding the export command to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc [2]. For example:

> cd ~
> echo "export GIT_SSH=/usr/bin/ssh" >> .profile

And then restart Eclipse to take effect.


  • [1] The solution is from this bug report
  • [2] Ubuntu Community Documentation for persistent environment variables: