The term for a person who "re-joins" an organisation

I'm looking for a term (or terms) to describe a person who leaves a group (or organisation), and then later re-joins.

Something like a "re-joiner" perhaps?

For example, a "leaver" is someone who leaves or has left, and an "onboarder" or "inductee" may describe a new-starter. My language is British English, but it doesn't really matter.

Example sentence as per the comments, "Mr ABC is a _____; he left in February but returned back in May". Or, the actual usage in my own field:

Person A: "Is he a new starter or a leaver?"

Person B: "No, he's a _____; he left, then came back two months later"

Solution 1:

As suggested by @Fumblefingers, returnee may work. It certainly fits your context.


returnee: someone who returns to a place or activity

Your example:

Person A: "Is he a new starter or a leaver?"

Person B: "No, he's a returnee; he left, then came back two months later."

You could also consider comebacker (or come-backer or come backer). It might work for your purposes. I can imagine describing so and so as a comebacker.

Solution 2:

That would be a


or a

readmitee on a legal context.

Solution 3:


I had seen it used to describe reentering college students. But the Oxford Dictionary says

2 A person who has re-entered something, especially the labor force.