What did Victor and Marcelo pressure Passos into in Max Payne 3?

Solution 1:


Kind of late reply but essentially they set up an entire plot where eventually Bachmeyer (Becker's right hand) was going to assassinate Rodrigo and pin it on Max. That's why Victor is so surprised to hear his phone call after the attack on Fabricas Branco AND thats why he's seen on the news after the attack leaving the compound. Everything that happens before is kind of set up conveniently for Victor.

Passos was a loyal but uninformed bodyguard who knew nothing more than needed. He comes off as naive because they don't tell him, he's just extra muscle for the under the table work.

Also the whole point is that victor DOESN'T care about his family, Marcelo, Rodrigo, Giovanna. He's just profiting from the organ harvesting scandal and probably considers them collateral. Remember he's incredibly cunning and if the other Brancos tipped the UFE off it wouldn't make a difference because they were on Victor's side.

I don't think he was involved with the Commando Sombra but he definitely was with the Cracha Preto. He knew about the money at the stadium and tipped them off. That's why the cops (UFE) never came because he told them they were there. Victor probably didn't orchestrate Fabiana's kidnapping but definitely saw it as an opportunity to get rich off Rodrigo.

But yes a lot of stuff is more or less left up to the player's imagination. Ostensibly as part of the "dumb gringo" narrative.