How to say that my current line of work coincides with my education

Solution 1:

The word trained used in adjective sense (applied to a profession) is typically used to mean that the person in question also had formal education in that field, as in trained chemist.

I am a trained chemist.

To make it more explicit (although elaborate), you can also say:

I am a chemist (both) by profession and training.



someone who is trained for a profession or job has all the necessary skills and qualifications

There’s a shortage of trained language teachers.
A team of trained volunteers will be available to help.

Solution 2:

"I have a BS in Chemistry and I work in field" This is a concise way of saying what you wish, but a little more may be better: "I have a BS in Chemistry and I work in field as a chemist". Better still would be to state, in addition, in what area of chemistry you work. "I have a BS in Chemistry and I work in field as an organic chemist".

Solution 3:

First word that came into my mind was relevance, followed by coherence, but I see that a lot of studies talk about "occupation-education matching".
Give it a search (as it is, within quotation marks) and see for yourself.