How to view Shelved P4 Changes?

One of our team member (located in different region) has shelved changes in P4 with changelist 1234.

Now, if I want to see what files are modified snf what are the changes, how can I do this?

What is the P4 command that I should use to see the changes made by our team member?

p4 describe -S 1234 should to the trick, see the documentation on describe.

To see the file content you would unshelve the files into your workspace (assuming you have a workspace for the same project your colleague is working on).

Create a new (empty) changelist with p4 change (results in e.g. 2345), then use p4 unshelve (docu) to get the modified files to your workspace:

p4 unshelve -s 1234 -c 2345

If you don't want the modified files in your workspace any longer, you can p4 revert -c 2345 them.

Using the GUI, go to Pending and remove all filters except by user, where you will put the other developer's ID. From there you should be able to see her Changelists, including the ones having shelved files. Right click on the Shelved Files icon and select Unshelve. You will have to have a workspace active that includes the files that you are trying to unshelve.