Does XQuartz work on macOS Mojave?

Solution 1:

Yes, the latest version of XQuartz works just fine on my macOS Mojave machine with absolutely zero issues.

screenshot showing XQuartz working

Solution 2:

Yes, but one limitation is that it does not support Retina displays, meaning that the UI is quite pixelated on an Apple Retina display.

Solution 3:

To add a bit to @abc's answer:

  1. I've had good luck with XQuartz, but looking at the XQuartz GitHub page, it would seem there's not a great deal of current activity (maintenance or new development) taking place.

  2. I only use XQuartz over an SSH connection: ssh -Y user@hostname

  3. You will need a ~/.Xauthority file on your client machine (not the Mac). It should be generated automatically, but check for it.

  4. I've got a few notes that might help you on my GitHub page.

Let us know if you have more questions.