Pinch to zoom broken in Yosemite

I had pinch to zoom working fine after installing Yosemite but after a month or so it's stopped working. The setting is enabled in Trackpad > Scroll & Zoom and it seems none of those gestures are working anymore. I can use 4/5 fingers outwards for Expose though.

How can I get the full functionality back?

Turn off pinch to zoom in preferences, then turn on again. This has worked for me before. If that doesn't work then doing a reboot will usually fix any and all trackpad issues. Problems after a reboot? Check out the above slightely more extreme ways around the problem..

I tried to toggle Pinch to Zoom off and on in System preferences but it didn't fix the issue. So I put the MacBook to sleep, woke it up and then Pinch to Zoom started working again.