Difference between back tracking and dynamic programming

There are two typical implementations of Dynamic Programming approach: bottom-to-top and top-to-bottom.

Top-to-bottom Dynamic Programming is nothing else than ordinary recursion, enhanced with memorizing the solutions for intermediate sub-problems. When a given sub-problem arises second (third, fourth...) time, it is not solved from scratch, but instead the previously memorized solution is used right away. This technique is known under the name memoization (no 'r' before 'i').

This is actually what your example with Fibonacci sequence is supposed to illustrate. Just use the recursive formula for Fibonacci sequence, but build the table of fib(i) values along the way, and you get a Top-to-bottom DP algorithm for this problem (so that, for example, if you need to calculate fib(5) second time, you get it from the table instead of calculating it again).

In Bottom-to-top Dynamic Programming the approach is also based on storing sub-solutions in memory, but they are solved in a different order (from smaller to bigger), and the resultant general structure of the algorithm is not recursive. LCS algorithm is a classic Bottom-to-top DP example.

Bottom-to-top DP algorithms are usually more efficient, but they are generally harder (and sometimes impossible) to build, since it is not always easy to predict which primitive sub-problems you are going to need to solve the whole original problem, and which path you have to take from small sub-problems to get to the final solution in the most efficient way.

Dynamic problems also requires "optimal substructure".

According to Wikipedia:

Dynamic programming is a method of solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler steps. It is applicable to problems that exhibit the properties of 1) overlapping subproblems which are only slightly smaller and 2) optimal substructure.

Backtracking is a general algorithm for finding all (or some) solutions to some computational problem, that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution.

For a detailed discussion of "optimal substructure", please read the CLRS book.

Common problems for backtracking I can think of are:

  1. Eight queen puzzle
  2. Map coloring
  3. Sudoku

DP problems:

  1. This website at MIT has a good collection of DP problems with nice animated explanations.
  2. A chapter from a book from a professor at Berkeley.

One more difference could be that Dynamic programming problems usually rely on the principle of optimality. The principle of optimality states that an optimal sequence of decision or choices each sub sequence must also be optimal.

Backtracking problems are usually NOT optimal on their way! They can only be applied to problems which admit the concept of partial candidate solution.

DP allows for solving a large, computationally intensive problem by breaking it down into subproblems whose solution requires only knowledge of the immediate prior solution. You will get a very good idea by picking up Needleman-Wunsch and solving a sample because it is so easy to see the application.

Backtracking seems to be more complicated where the solution tree is pruned is it is known that a specific path will not yield an optimal result.

Therefore one could say that Backtracking optimizes for memory since DP assumes that all the computations are performed and then the algorithm goes back stepping through the lowest cost nodes.

Say that we have a solution tree, whose leaves are the solutions for the original problem, and whose non-leaf nodes are the suboptimal solutions for part of the problem. We try to traverse the solution tree for the solutions.

Dynamic programming is more like BFS: we find all possible suboptimal solutions represented the non-leaf nodes, and only grow the tree by one layer under those non-leaf nodes.

Backtracking is more like DFS: we grow the tree as deep as possible and prune the tree at one node if the solutions under the node are not what we expect.

Then there is one inference derived from the aforementioned theory: Dynamic programming usually takes more space than backtracking, because BFS usually takes more space than DFS (O(N) vs O(log N)). In fact, dynamic programming requires memorizing all the suboptimal solutions in the previous step for later use, while backtracking does not require that.