How to lock or set the seed in Linux?

Is it possible to lock or set the world seed in Noita on Linux, to replay it?

Start screen with seed

Solution 1:

Based on this script:

One-time setup:

  1. Disable Steam Cloud synchronization, if enabled. Otherwise Steam seems to detect your shenanigans and reverts the files when starting the game.
  2. Set the Noita launch options to -magic_numbers magic.txt -no_logo_splashes.
  3. Create the seed file with the number you want:

    printf '<MagicNumbers WORLD_SEED="%s" />' 12345678 > "$(locate --regex '/steamapps/common/Noita$')/magic.txt"

Every time you want to run with a specific seed, remove the current save files and relaunch:

rm -r "$(locate --regex '/steamapps/compatdata/881100/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/Nolla_Games_Noita/save00$')/"{magic_numbers.salakieli,player.salakieli,world,world_state.salakieli}; steam steam://rungameid/881100