In what ways can I reduce bleed's duration?

According to the wiki,

Bleed's duration can be affected by following modifiers:

  • Ailment duration
  • Bleeding duration

My question is, what sources of reduced ailment duration and reduced bleeding duration exist out there?

I'm running a Flicker Strike Slayer, using the unique items The Red Trail and The Golden Rule to maintain Frenzy charges, along with the Slayer node Endless Hunger to prevent the bleeds I constantly inflict on myself from killing me. However, I've encountered a major issue: Endless Hunger only protects me from bleed damage as long as I'm leeching, and I've found that my bleed procs are outliving my overleech stacks. This is obviously a big deal, since the moment I lose my "immunity" to bleed from leeching, I instantly die.

The bleeds I inflict on myself via The Golden Rule are reflected versions of the ones I inflict on enemies, meaning that reductions to the duration of bleeds I inflict on enemies will also reduce the duration of the bleeds I inflict on myself. However, I know of only one source so far -- the Unique gloves Haemophilia. Are there any other sources of reduced bleed/ailment duration out there?

Solution 1:

Yoke of Suffering provides "30% reduced Duration of Ailments on Enemies", which works on bleed. Although the mod specifies enemies, I believe it will work on bleeds you reflect onto yourself via The Golden Rule (since they are copies of the bleeds you inflict on enemies).

Swift Affliction support will reduce the duration of your bleeds if you use it supporting the skill that inflicts the bleed, although giving up a support gem slot for this is a very expensive sacrifice to make.

Finally, anything that causes your bleeding or ailments to "deal Damage X% faster" will reduce its total duration, as clarified by Mark (GGG dev) in this post. There are too many sources of this to easily list, but just going to the wiki page for Bleeding and ctrl+F'ing "faster" will find you most of them.

Aside from that direct answer to your question, I have to ask - why are you even running into this problem in the first place? The base duration of bleed is 5 seconds. The base max duration of a leech instance is also 5 seconds. Unless you're somehow increasing the duration of your bleeds, or inflicting bleeds with hits that leech less than 10% of your life pool (which would surprise me, player damage is usually vastly larger than player life pools), your leech stacks and your bleeds should be expiring at the same time.

Why are your bleeds outlasting your leech stacks in the first place?

Solution 2:

There is no way know to me for players to reduce bleeding duration of bleeding debuffs apllied by enemies directly. The Haemophilia gloves will reduce bleeding duration on enemies (there's a hint to it in their flavor text)

A master artist takes his time when he's painting. Unfortunately, my kind doesn't often have that luxury.
- Coralito, Brotherhood of Silence

However there is a solution to dealing with your problem of handling bleeding stacks and/or duration:

Use flasks!

Flasks should be used pretty much with a 100% uptime and having either an offensive or defensive flask with the suffix "of staunching" is almost necessary. This will give you bleeding immunity for the duration of the effect and remove all currently existing stacks.