How do I force Wubi to download and install 32 bit version?

I am trying to install Ubuntu Natty beta 2 32bit with WUBI, but whenever I try to install it always tries to download 64 bit version.

How do I ensure that it downloads 32 bit instead of 64 bit?

Solution 1:

Wubi chooses 64-bit automatically if you have a 64-bit CPU. You can override it with the command line option --32bit. This option is required even if you download the 32-bit desktop CD ISO yourself and place it in the same folder as wubi.exe before running.

See the Wubi guide for more info.

When you are installing a beta version of Ubuntu, the CD images and therefore the checksums change frequently, so even if you have the 32 bit ISO it may still reject it. If you are running from a CD, disconnect from the internet or use --skipmd5check to bypass this check (in this case you should make sure you have previously run the md5 check yourself). This is not recommended for non-beta installs, in which case you should let Wubi run the MD5 check.